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13 People You’ll Meet On Every Hike

Ben Kissam
2 min readOct 19, 2019
  1. The Completely Out Of Breath Guy That Asks How Far To The Top- “30 minutes,” you say. The defeated look on his face makes you feel sorry for him.. Especially because it’s way more than 30 minutes.
  2. The Old Man That Uses Walking Poles On Flat Terrain- When told the lake is only half a mile away, he says, “Very good.”
  3. The Guy That Doesn’t Say ‘Hi’ Back- It’s fine. That wasn’t awkward. I’m not offended.
  4. The Kid That Despises Hiking and Nature In General- Hikes 50 yards in front of or behind his parents, who can be heard discussing why hikes are beneficial for young people, why they don’t regret taking him along, and how their son needs to “build character”.
  5. The Guy Hiking By Himself and Oh God Why’s He By Himself and Phew He Passed Me- Something about him, I don’t know. Good thing I brought this bear mace. (It’s in the car.)
  6. The Couple That Stops Their Argument When They Hear Your Footsteps- Why would you put her backpack on the ground, Brett? You do know the ground is dirty, right?
  7. The Lady With Three Dogs All Off Leashes- Their names are Bella, Bailey, and Jack, and she only calls them off after your pants are covered in slobber and mud.
  8. The Local- Based on the size of his daypack, you wonder just…



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